Community Action Agency of TCRCC
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Community Action Agency of TCRCC
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The Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) is funded through a grant from the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services. It is mandated that the funds be allocated to the community action agencies throughout the state. Community Action Agency of TCRCC is one of over 15 community action agencies located throughout the state of Alabama with a presence in all 67 counties.
The Community Services Block Grant Act was enacted to assist low-income individuals and families to achieve self-sufficiency. CAATCRCC provides services based on the identified needs in Talladega, Clay, Randolph, Calhoun, and Cleburne Counties. The services provided are to enable families/individuals to accomplish one or more of the following objectives:
- To secure and retain meaningful employment
- To attain an adequate education
- To make better use of available income
- To obtain and maintain adequate housing and suitable living environment
- To obtain emergency assistance to meet immediate and urgent individual and family needs including the need for health services, nutrition, food, housing, and employment related assistance
- To remove obstacles and solve problems which block the achievement of self-sufficiency
- To achieve greater participation in the affairs of the community
- To enhance youth and family development, including after school child-care and youth mediation
- To provide an emergency basis for the provision of such supplies and services, nutritious foodstuffs, and related necessary to counteract conditions of starvation and malnutrition among the poor
In order to receive assistance, the applicant’s household income must not exceed 200% of the federally established poverty level.
Households may be assisted more than once per program year not to exceed a total of $1500.00 in each program year.
Through our CSBG program customers may get assistance with; . Rent (NO mortgage) . Emergency Food . Gardening, Utility Bills, most Medications, Doctor's Co-Pays, Emergency Shelter and Nutritional Vouchers
Head of Household; or
The spouse of the head of household; or
An individual authorized in writing by the head of household or spouse to make application.
To be eligible for assistance, a household must:
Make application and have a combined income not exceeding the 125% income threshold for all adult members.
Live in Alabama when the application is made, apply in the county of residence, and be a U.S. Citizen or a legal alien.
Provide a valid driver's license or state issued identification for the applicant and social security cards for all household members
Households have the right to reapply for assistance even if the household has been denied previously. However, once and application is denied, the worker must complete a new application form at the time the household reapplies. All points of eligibility must be re-verified with each new application. Custodial parents who receive or are enrolled in CSBG programs and do not receive child support services for which they are eligible will be referred to the local or state child support office.
View the additional CAATCRCC CSBG programs, program information and how to apply.
All applicants will be assessed in the order of application and will be assisted in each county as funding allows. Under no circumstance shall any applicant be denied based on race, color, religion, sex, natural origin, disability (physical or mental), veteran status, pregnancy, medical condition, or any status protected by Federal and Alabama Law and regulation
Our Mission
The Community Action Agency of Talladega, Clay, Randolph, Calhoun, and Cleburne Counties is committed to reducing and/or eliminating the causes and consequences of poverty for families and communities through comprehensive educational and community service and strategic partnerships.
Contact Us
136 Court Street North
Talladega, AL 35161
Phone: 256-362-6611
Fax: 256-285-9860
Community Action changes people’s LIVES, embodies the spirit of HOPE, improves COMMUNITIES, and makes America a better place to LIVE. We care about the entire community, and we are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other.
In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.
Nondiscrimination Statement – ENG
Declaración de no Discriminación – ESP
Community Action Agency of TCRCC @2024 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
SITE POWERED BY Harvest House Media